Crushing Corporate
Your goal: Book + retain big-time corporate gifting clients (and score some big-time bank account boosts!)
Let’s crush corporate together!

Inside, you'll get the exact systems for how we:
- ATTRACT corporate clients
- CONVERT corporate clients
- RETAIN corporate clients
So you can book big name clients, who want big fun orders!
Are you ready to dive in?
Pop quiz!
Would you rather have 1 new client or 100?
I know, I know- it feels like a trick, and it is. Five years ago I would have said, “100!” with absolute certainty. But today? I’m allllll about a few new clients– the trick is to make them really, really big ones.
I’ve figured out exactly what it takes to score Fortune 100 companies, Blue Chip teach firms and software behemoths as (repeat) clients, and I want you to be able to do it, too!
See, I’ve made every mistake in the book when it comes to corporate clients (pricing myself too low, giving lots of options, thinking the mockup stage is about the product). But the biggest mistake I’ve made is not seeing the amazing potential from corporate clients right off the bat.
Paying yourself a salary you can be proud of one $30 client at a time is a one-way ticket to serious burnout. You would. need to book thousands of clients. I’ve done the late nights and early mornings, and I’m here to tell you its not sustainable (and it’s nothing close to the picture of freedom you had in your mind when you started this thing!).
How would your life be different if you landed a big corporate client (or several!)?
Real talk:
You NEED a steady stream of $10K, $20K or even $100K clients to swoop in and make this thing really profitable.
You started your business becuase you wanted to do something you love AND have a dreamy work-life balance– but these days you’ve been burning the midnight oil and wondering if you’ll ever achieve the utopia you’ve dreamed of.

The Great News:
I get it: booking the Microsofts, Googles, and Pinterests of the world can seem like you need to learn a whole new language: POs? MOQs? Line sheets?
Do you need a secret “in” or a techie spouse to book these kinds of clients?
While booking corporate clients is a different beast from what you might be used to, I’m 100% sure that you have everything in your arsenal to be super successful at it.
You just need to know what corporate clients are looking for and how to speak their language.

That's where I come in:
Just imagine roll of (branded) shipping tape in one hand and a calculator in the other (and just a littttle bit of crinkle paper stuck to my pants).
I have six years of experience booking seven-figures of corporate sales (without a single fancy connection or designer business suite).
In fact, I smashed right through the elusive seven-figure corporate sales mark riiiight in my house. I’ve sat down with my team to reverse engineer everything we do to attract, convert and retain corporate clients year after year, and…
what people are saying
This course was like having a mentor to help me along the way in business….worth every cent!
Rolling on from Xmas I have now secured a large corporate order and I cannot wait to start the next course with Torrance so I can crush this as well (I wish it was starting now)!

Module 1: How we attract corporate clients
- How we use Pinterest, direct emails, SEO, PR LinkedIn and #allthethings to attract corporate clients (and how to pick a method that’s right for you!)
- Our #1 tool for attractin corporate clients (and how we spend just a few hours a MONTH on it!)
- Exactly what corporate clients want to see on your website (so you can fix this first and then worry about getting more traffic!)
Module 2: How we convert corporate clients
- The exact wording we use to reply to a corporate inquiry (and move them toward our non-custom options)
- Exactly what we focus on during a phone call– and the mindset that led us to STOP treating it like an “information gather session,” so we could focus on the right things
- All the details on our corporate catalog– and how we use it to significantly limit the fully custom gifts we make
- Our strategies for corporate pricing and dealing with sticky situations like low budgets and multiple bids

Module 3: How we retain corporate clients
- Our #1 favorite communication tool we use with corporate clients and how it turns clients into lifelong fans!
- Our exact wording for reaching out to past clients, plus when we reach out to stay top of mind
- Exactly how seriously we take “surprise and delight” and the small things we do that our clients love the MOST!
- How we ask for referrals (without feeling awkward) and how we turned ONE Pinterest corporate order into more than a dozen different orders!
Come on oVer!
Let's sit down together and figure this out.
Because whatever “more” you’re looking for out of your business:
- Money
- Freedom
- Creativity
- Time
Booking corporate clients can help you get there!
what people are saying
“This course is incredible- and best of all, it works! I went from four-figure months to my first FIVE-figure corporate client- and guess what? They are coming back!”
I juuuust launched mu business or I plan to launch in a few months. Should I wait to take this course until I have more experience?
Please don’t! I don’t want you to spend the next year fighting for dozens (hundreds?) of small orders and burn yourself out in the process. Or worse: fight like heck to attract corporate clients, but then struggle to convert them because your systems aren’t in place. Or your website isn’t set up to convert. Or your mockups aren’t professional looking. Or you’re missing a corporate catalog. Or your communication system isn’t set up and emails keep falling through the cracks. Yep, we’ve included all of it, so you can just start off with what it took me years to learn. 🙂
My niche is wedding-related. Is this course for me?
Definitely! Event planners and wedding planners are just as much a business in need of large-scale gifting as a tech company or real estate firm. There is no difference in how we navigate outbound sales, proposals, inventory, communication, mockups or retention, whether we’re talking about an event firm or a law firm. You’re in the right place!
I sell products that aren’t gift boxes. Can I still benefit from this course?
Yes! My experience is based on selling gift boxes– and there are definitely some gift box specific terms I use in this course. However, our product-maker and shop-owner friends have taken this course and get tons of value out of it (I checked to make sure!). If you want to work with corporate clients, or scale by offering branded products, this course is right for you.
What if I already know everything you talk about in this course?
If you’re already doing 7-digures in corporate sales then you don’t need this course. 🙂 If you’re not sure, jump in and see. You’ll have 30 days to request a refund if you don’t find Crushing Corporate to be value-packed.
I heard there’s a Facebook group for this course, but I haven’t found any details on this page about it. Will I be able to connect with other students?
Unlike in the past, since students can now purchase and begin taking Crushing Corporate whenever works best for them, a class Facebook group is no longer possible. Of course we hope you’ll join us in the Gift Box Babes Facebook page (if you’re not already a member!). And you can always reach out to us at with any questions about the course!
Crushing Corporate is for:
People who are playing the long game,
Who want their business to be around in 5 years.
Who want FEWER clients who order MORE products.
Who want clients that give you creative rein to do what you’re great at (because they are busy doing what they are awesome at).
what people are saying
“Although I’d never started a product business before, I did have extensive experience in the corporate world so I almost didn’t take Torrance’s course because to be honest, I wasn’t sure how many new things she could teach me. However, I had PAGES of notes scribbled down by the time I finished it – notes that’s I’ve referred back to a million times! Torrance packs so much practical and actionable info into this course that I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone, regardless of their experience or business stage. It’s like 10 great business books without the fluff – just the things you can immediately implement to see a difference in your company, strategy and results ($$$)!!”
My Guarantee

I know choosing to participate in this course is a big investment. It’s not a decision you’ll make lightly, and I want to honor that!
If you dive into the material and give it your best shot (in only works if you do!), and you aren’t satisfied, let me know within 30 days of enrollment, and I’ll gladly give you a 100% refund.
Questions? Reach out to, and we’ll get back to you within one business day!
Ready to crush corporate?
You’re so close to:
- The fundamentally different way we view proposals which actually converts clients (without a discount!)
- How we use Pinterest, direct emails, SEO, PR, LinkedIN and #allthethings to attract corporate clients (and how to pick a method that's right for you!)
- Our favorite tool we use when communication with corporate clients that saves us SO much time and leaves us with raving fans
- Our exact template for our corporate catalog, which has decreased our "fully custom" mockup rate by 60%
Exactly how we stay top of mind with our clients, so that they keep coming back year after year after year... (it's totally free!)