Tips for getting out of the office for a REAL vacation
When was the last time you took a real vacation? For entrepreneurs, sometimes it seems impossible. I’m here to tell you: it doesn’t have to be!
This summer I took weeklong vacation with my family to San Diego, and returned to the office feeling SO refreshed! For the first time in a long time, I deleted the mail app and Slack from my phone and just soaked up some fun family time kayaking, visiting the zoo, and enjoying some sunshine at the beach. It was AH-mazing!

Many of you replied to the post where I shared my (non-traditional!) out-of-office message with happy vacation vibes and “good for you” notes (thank you!!). But something else I saw over and over were messages wondering how the heck I could take A WHOLE WEEK away from work.
For starters, you may recall how I bragged on my amazing team… every bit of it was true! I’m so lucky that they make it easy to take some time away!
I also have a short checklist of things I do before every vacation– these easy pre-vacay to-dos help me take a REAL vacation, where I’m not secretly checking emails at the beach or staying up late after my family goes to bed to get some work done.
I hear you solo-preneurs yelling at me through your screens, but don’t worry, most of these tips work for you too 🙂
Check out my complete list of tips here.
So go ahead: write that fun out-of-office email, put up a vacation banner in your store, and a little time away to reset and refresh! Something tells me you’re going to need that re-charge before what’s bound to be an awesomely busy end-of-the-year!

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